Flow Cytometry MACSQuant Analyzer (Miltenyi)

System Features:

3 lasers: violet (405 nm), blue (488 nm) and red (635 nm)

9 optical parameters can be analyzed (FSC, SSC and 7 channels of fluorescence).

It is currently used for lab routine : immuno-phenotyping, absolute cell counts (volumetric).

It has a pre-enrichment column MACS (R) to detect under-represented cell populations.

It can automatically acquire tube racks of 5 ml, 15 ml or 50 ml and 96-well plates.

It has an automatic voltage calibration system, a manual or automatic compensation matrix and an automatic maintenance system.

It runs on a PC platform, under Windows, (saving files 2.0/FCS 2.3/MQD FCS), with USB ports, Ethernet access, and DVD player/recorder.


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